Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Hello dear visitors & readers,

As I will not directly and meticulously introduce any of the writers of this blog, I would like to provide a brief introduction to its purpose, reasons, overview and contents.

I've been in deep thought process for the past couple years: constantly coming up with new ideas, conducting various analyses on topics I've encountered and exploring different depths of knowledge. With little time and wavering determination to verbalize all of the above, it was hard to begin writing on paper or via a blogger, such as this one.

Upon the eve of the new year, my friend George (who possesses a lot of exquisite and intelligible insight and is also of European decent) and I decided that it was now time to give it a shot and share the knowledge we have gathered throughout years. This plan was to provide an outlet where we could comment on current event issues and contemporary problems, communicate our thoughts and ideas on diverse subjects, and pass forth our conscientious messages dealing with domestic and global concepts.

In this blog, we will share with the public bi-weekly posts on subjects we have been anxious to discuss, news commentaries, ideas and of course, thoughts directly from the conscience. In our language, we will take the substance flowing in our minds and assess today's realities. We encourage all of you readers to provide comments and feedback to all of our blogs, as we're also very eager to hear other people's thoughts and their perceptions created by the nature of the human vision (or rather the beauty of the infinite mind).

We're really looking forward to a productive and inspiring new year. This blog is one of our many projects.

God Bless

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