Friday, January 22, 2010

The Two-Party System & its Lack of Cooperation in the American Politics

Addressing the topic “The Two-Party System & its Lack of Cooperation in the American Politics”

The Greater Divide
by Neal R. Karski

Upon George’s discretion of the topic choice, we decided to return to the contemporary issues many people are facing nowadays. Together, we have conversed numerously about the politics in the United States and nationwide and have generated countless ideas and opinions relating to such. Unfortunately we cannot publish all of them on the web, because we would spend the next few years writing them down. Therefore, the following are our thoughts from the conscience in a briefer version about the two-party system and its lack of cooperation in the American politics.

Original Mission & Purpose of the Two-Party Political System

To my best knowledge, the United States of America implemented the two-party system based on the basic principles of the Commonwealth, which featured the debates between the Tories and the Labour party or previously the legal assemblies of Tories & Whigs. This system, which included a mix of ideologies, was intended to keep the balance of power spread out and to provide a just and attentive legislative representation within the nation for its entire population. But who are we kidding? As history claims, many low class & poor citizens of England in the 1700s could not even participate in the political life, such as voting, and frankly did not concern many members of the Parliament. Yet to be cliché, I will say that “such establishment paved its way to many more bigger and better things,” right? The model from what was then the United Kingdom was virtually shipped across the Atlantic Ocean in 1828 to the new born country by the name of the United States of America (notice the resemblances between the two). This gave the historical beginning to the first co-existing [to this day] political parties: the National Republicans and the Democratic-Republicans, or better known as Democrats. As the country progressed and the 30 year era of a single-party system could not support the expectations of all, many individuals went separate ways to seek governmental soothing and similar political ideals. Although, this separation came out of conflict [over issues like government intervention in the economy, or quarrels over social vs. self interest] and to this day, almost two hundred years later we have not come to agreement over those specific problems. Rather, the greater divide continuously gave people only two (not counting the Green Party here due to the massive domination of the other two parties) outlets to express their political ideologies, knowledge and participation.

Party Alignment

This is by far one of the most frequent political discussion topics of mine. Party alignment (definition: being aligned with the views or ideas, or being a member of a particular party) in the United States is largely driven by a person’s social status, financial situation, culture, nationality, ethnicity, religion, sexual preference, education, place of residence, personal experience, and many more factors, yet the core root of one’s choice is derived from his or her family [and by family I mean parents]. Nowadays, the political parties encourage us or in some way or another lead us to live our lives vicariously through the platforms on which they operate. Yet, those platforms provide their members with conflicting sets of ideologies, views, ideas and beliefs. Personally [as I’ve said many times], it is extremely difficult for me to align myself with any political party due to the occurring hypocrisy of inconsistencies in the Democratic and Republican agendas. Back to the assessing the topic. Therefore, the two existing political parties do not only drive their members to criticize their opponents and diverge from them socially; they also lack any sort of willingness to achieve agreement for the nation as a whole. The Democratic and Republican race for the popular majority and the conquest for power have led many people bitter as the elections brought about seemingly unpleasant results, not in their favor. Party alignment in the United States does not leave one much choice [as there are only two, realistically], and by fitting into one political category the particular individual becomes part of a bandwagon [that he or she may not fully believe in], consequently widening not only the political, but social gap. This gap, in turn, fuels the animosity and lack of desire to seek benefitting solutions for the society [with consideration of marginal costs and benefits, as well as values] and creates spheres from which many cannot willingly escape.

Money & Wealth as the Core of the Greater Divide

In the end, and in reality of today’s life in the United States of America, the political distinction between the Democrats and Republicans which keeps them from compromise is money. Some may say that money is the root of all evil; others will tell you that money is the essential necessity for a nation to exist with a prospering economy. Either way, as a capitalism country the U.S. is built on capital and run by corporate competition and political crave, therefore money is relative in any case, whether we like it or not. But money is what caused the greater divide between the political parties, as for two hundred years of interchangeable answers to the questions such as “Whose money will be taken?” “Where will the money go?” or “What will government do with the tax money?” You can forget all of the ethical issues, matters of education or homeland security, the economic world is the machine that keeps this country going and the only question of significance now is the mere issue of taxation and wealth allocation.

God Bless Friends.

The Two Party System in the United States: a true impediment of democracy.

by George A. Miu

Following the surprising victory of Republican Senator-elect Scott Brown, the carefully constructed healthcare bill, devised by the Democrats, is in danger of failing. While the author of this blog does not consider this a travesty, I feel compelled to highlight the weaknesses of a two-party system and the many hurdles that it poses to a true democratic representation of the people it seeks to serve.

The unfortunate truth is that this two-party system of ours is, by its very nature, a highly exclusive group. If you’re not a member of a party, you have very little chance of succeeding in politics. Out of the one hundred Senators, only two are officially dubbed “independents”, and they both caucus with the Democrats the vast majority of the time. Therefore, voters who do not subscribe completely to the platform of either party must generally decide which of the two expresses their beliefs more adequately. This is a concession that people who inhabit a civilized country should not have to make! Choosing the lesser of two evils is by no means a convincing way to give a politician a mandate to Congress or the White House.

Furthermore, it appears that presidential races are always decided by a few “swing” states that offer both candidates roughly equal winning chances. However, due to the demographics of the United States, most of the electoral votes can be predicted long before the race with unerring accuracy. For example, California will always go to the Democrats, and Texas (along with the “Solid South”) to the Republicans. Frequently, whoever wins two out of the three key swing states of Florida, North Carolina and Ohio will win the presidential election. In essence, the future President will most often be elected by three states whose combined population accounts for less than one fifth of the actual population of the USA.

This brings us back to my original point about the impending reduction of the healthcare overhaul (if, indeed, it even comes to pass). The election of one senator from one state should never be allowed to change the national agenda. Unfortunately, with all the “party line” voting that goes on, the loss of a filibuster-proof majority may very well prevent legislation from being agreed and voted upon, and subsequently signed into law.

Let’s face it. It’s time the USA stood up for itself and put an end to all of the mindlessness that surrounds the two-party system. We can do this in one of two ways:

1. Seriously consider voting for an “Independent” candidate or a non-major-party politician if their agenda appears to suit your taste more than the local Dem or GOPer.

2. Get in touch with your local congressman or congresswoman and let him/her know that, while you approve the general party platform, you think that a certain idea has its merits, even if it would not normally be supported by a member of your party. If enough people do this, maybe politicians will be more eager to vote in accordance with the wishes of the people they serve, and not some inflexible agenda.

My conclusion is this: the USA is much too big and diverse a place to be represented by two parties which have now monopolized the national stage. However, it is up to us, the people, to change the status quo and become more vocal and supportive of the “little guy” campaigning. If we can do this, perhaps we will be successful in the necessary long-term task of ushering in a new age of American politics that does not rely on the massive amounts of red tape and dubious voting records in order to get things done.

Speak up! Your children will be glad you did.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Women: Man's Greatest Weakness

Women: Man’s Greatest Inherent Weakness
by Neal R. Karski

Note: Most men will most precisely be able to relate to this piece and will not have much divergence of agreement as to the title that I chose. In my view, money comes second after the power and influence women hold over us, whether it is direct or indirect. A piece on money as pertaining to man will be written in the very near future.

That said, I will attempt to test the following hypothesis: “Men cannot escape a day without thinking or contemplating about the nature of women. Intact, such internal actions influence men and lead them many different paths, some of which are not desired by the action taker.” This statement may overlap with the stereotypical statistics of men and the frequency of sexual thoughts, yet it’s not only based on hormonal and psychological levels… rather it’s a deeply rooted mechanism.

This mechanism resembles one of an attraction magnet, where men often habitually and unconsciously seek the company or comfort from the opposite gender. When men are without a companion or a partner, they long for women even more; either to find one or many. On the other hand, when men are in a particular type of a commitment or a relationship, they aim to please the woman they’re attached to, yet often reminisce or fantasize about other women. In either of the cases, women are always the one of the top priorities and may disturb a man’s daily focus. It almost seems inevitable.

Let’s continue on. I’ve thought about the cliché phrase often said by women: “He swept me off my feet.” Following, I concluded that this phrase may apply more to men, yet in a different context. There are many different types of males and all vary in characteristics from extraverted to reserved, cocky to low self-esteemed or careless to sensual. Either way, men will do anything (and I mean anything), to conquer a woman’s body or heart… or fight for one they’ve lost due to a wrongful parting on either of the sides involved. Consequently, the chosen path requires more time, money, dedication, reorganization and emotions to be utilized during such an undertaking. This alters the course of a man’s life, regardless whether he is willing to admit it or not. In such a case, denial is only an additive to the soft spot engendered by the raging thoughts about a woman (or women). Therefore, in reality, a woman can truly sweep a man off his feet, thereby distracting the patterns of his behavior and lifestyle. Don’t believe me? Ask yourself.

I’ve always had many great conversations with my friends (many of which were witty, intelligent, analytic, humorous, serious, enlightening, heated, etc.), and almost at every occasion I would catch myself or my fellow conversers discussing the subject of women. Whether it was their appearance, perspective, characteristics, personality or even a trivial detail, we could not take a detour from unexpectedly or purposefully assessing a topic pertaining to females that we were acquainted with or did not know. And even if this was not such a tragic weakness, it still showed me that men cannot be detached from women; and their presence is essential to our well-being. Money, material possessions and power can only finitely satisfy a man, but the male psychic leads to the realization that without a female counterpart that same man cannot be complete.

Women are beautiful creatures; there is no doubt about the delicacy and softness of the female gender. They are our mothers, sisters, daughters, friends, soul mates, wives and many other titles we can’t describe or consciously label. They are the keepers of our homes and the bearers of our children. They are an infinite and undeniable part of us. From the beginning of history, women were a vital component of our societies, progressing through centuries of hardships to overcome the established socio-economic boundaries and standards. Many of them even became leaders.

But history and even the current times speak very clearly about women and their widespread effect on men. In many instances, women have caused great men to go insane, start wars, cheat on their wives, pursue unimaginable measures, plunder safes or even commit suicide. Whenever and wherever there is a man, there is
at least one woman. Thus I will conclude this short work on assessing the hypothesis that women are indeed man’s greatest weakness.

God Bless.

Women: Embodying Man’s Greatest Weakness

by George A. Miu

From a reasonably early age, males become highly preoccupied with the opposite sex. By the late teens, this becomes somewhat of a fixation that lasts until the end of their natural lives. Therefore, all over the world, men must learn to navigate social relationships with women, regardless of personal sexual orientation or intent (romantic connections, platonic liaisons etc.)

Indeed, women have become such an enigma for men that many seek some form of outside help in navigating the treacherous waters that most do not fully understand. Males, who, to a great extent, are psychologically wired to seek control over any given situation and assert their dominance, are oftentimes bewildered to find both eerie similarities and stark contrasts in the fairer sex. Due to this continual oscillation, between being alike and being different, many men have come to consider women to be their greatest single weakness.

But we must not paint too bleak a picture. As a man, I have to consistently remind myself that women, too, are wired to seek out a mate in life, and therefore must learn to meet the opposite sex halfway if any progress is to be made at all. Besides this, there is also the contentious issue of a certain brand of discrimination that spans the entire course of human history: chauvinism. In this day and age, even an innocent action performed by a well-meaning (but somewhat clueless) man can be misconstrued to be a dig at the many prejudices levied against women throughout the centuries.

Fellow men, we must hence tread very carefully. Yet, there is no need to become skittish and bolt from any potential interaction with women. In order to eliminate much of the confusion that leads to women being attributed as our collective “great weakness”, we must simply take a series of small, but significant steps that will lead to a more meaningful universal accord between genders:

1. Extend common courtesy, not excessive courtesy.

Don’t fall into this trap. Holding doors open is okay. Helping her up the escalator is not, unless she’s ailing one way or another.

All in all, women begin fuming when men stifle them with support in every single situation. After all, women are not inept but the men who offer help every other second certainly appear so.

2. Don’t be in a relationship just for the sake of it.

A lot of men think that getting a girlfriend is the harbinger of maturity and a new phase of life. Be that as it may, it counts for little if the feelings are not actually there. Many sticky situations originate from relationships that were improperly thought out, and therefore are bound to end more painfully. Similarly, couples who marry simply because they are “at that marrying age” that ranges between 25 and 40 in most cases are simply following a recipe for disaster. Matrimony is for those who want to spend the rest of their life with one person, and not those who think that “normal people” do things in a certain order within a certain age parameter.

3. Separate girlfriends from girl-friends.

Men are really bad with this one. But romantic entanglements and platonic relationships do not go hand in hand very often. Once the aims of an interaction are defined, it is easier to resolve issues pertaining to women around us, and thus we are less likely to become alienated by them.

4. Most importantly, remember that women are very similar to men.

Mystery engenders caution and caution provokes weakness in a lot of males. Therefore, reducing the “mystery” factor equates to a greater understanding, more decisive action, and less weakness on the part of the male. This can be done by arriving at the realization that women are, first and foremost, human beings, who are likely to exhibit the same tendencies and reactions as their masculine counterparts. Once we attempt to stop classifying women as a separate race, us men will have effectively eliminated the single most baffling factor, and can thus proceed with a lighter heart when next embarking on the occasionally murky depths at hand.

Following these steps, of course, does not guarantee a completely headache-free lifetime woman-interaction warranty, but it is a start that will not only ease the life of many men, but also improve society by continuing to eliminate bigotry and chauvinism. At the very least, it will foster more respect between genders and will hopefully relegate women from their metaphorical role as the greatest weakness to be found in men.

That’s all for this time! Stay tuned, friends!

Friday, January 8, 2010

TERRORISM: World's Major Current Event

Terrorism: Hatred & Disturbance of Peace

by Neal R. Karski

Terrorism, as a very significant contemporary issue, appears to be one of today’s most discussed topics in the media. As of recent, the U.S. government has connected with other governments of the world to encourage them to fight any sort of terrorist growth and activities. The U.S. officials along with the major allies against organized crime have even invested funds into the prevention and containment of the homicidal and suicidal felons. America is now dealing not only with lack of political compromises, weakening economy and record-low temperatures, but with life threatening security breechings. It seems to me that nine years after the 9-11 attacks, Al-Qaida along with other terrorist groups have not been satisfied with the results; their mission is barely close to being fulfilled.

One can also ask him or her self – When is this going to end? When will the terrorists cease to attack their neighboring nations and the American soil, or rather when will their mission be fulfilled?

Some of the following thoughts have arisen from recent conversations I’ve had with my good friends. Terrorism is a concept of evil, but to some it may deceptively appear as a religious obligation. This may easily be accomplished by massive brainwashing and training that creates a channeled perception where to kill someone or a specific group of people is the only ultimate goal one has. I believe it is a direct opponent of charity – helping those disadvantaged by their circumstances, underprivileged and in need. It demoralizes humanity, as it implements terror to take away human life in massive numbers. I wonder how satisfactory it really is for terrorist leaders when their attacks are successful; what kind of a human being can really experience happiness from showering in the blood of others?

It is not arduous to figure out that many Islamic groups in the Middle East and Africa have proclaimed jihad on the American soil. Now, let’s attempt to analyze the reasoning of such an act.

The teachings of Mohammed, the great ruler and initiator of the Muslims, are not so different from any other global-existing religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism or Buddhism. They require believers to obey the commandments, love one another and respect fellow human beings, as well as to maintain chaste and pure souls. The religion of Islam does not necessarily hold any intent of destroying other religions, killing members of distant nations or even notions of jihad as an excuse for terrorism.

Therefore, we must now further explore the motif of terrorism. I am starting to firmly believe that the Islamic religion was either misconstrued in the earlier times or purposefully used by terrorist leaders as a pretense for hatred and disturbance of peace. From a religious standpoint, one [who recognizes spiritual presence and may possess relative theological knowledge] may label terrorism as a “Devil’s weapon” to cause chaos and derail the international equilibrium (given that it still exists). ­­But if the Islamic religion has not and is not teaching hatred toward Americans or Christians, the preceding wars of the past seem to be continuing on until this very day. The battle of ethnicities and diverging religious and political views has been dragging on centuries, yet in different form due to the technological advancements, or has something else been fueling the hatred terrorists utilize in a form of mass murders and attacks?

These questions may really wreck the mind of an individual concerned with resolving the current issues. What if the answers to these questions were really at the core of the conflict – the root of all hatred and constant wars between all parties involved? These answers could potentially save thousands of thousands of lives, and consequently prevent terrorism in an effective manner, rather than continuing to fund anti-terrorist militias and armies to hunt down the criminals and lacking the basic forms of communication. One would think that the U.S. Homeland Security along with the British Secret Service and other great powers could communicate with the terrorists to seek means of agreements or white-flag arrangements, or even essential information to understand the true motives behind such inhumane operations. All I see is fire-power of the World Police going out of bounds to seek the concealed, search-and-destroy. I am assuming that this has something to do with the trends of history, as well.

In any of these cases, one may think that I’m wrong, and that is more than fair. Yet most will agree that releasing terrorists and suspects of wrong-doings back to Yemen and other nations will not fix or generate answers, rather trigger more hatred, which in turn will cause terrorists to stir more disturbances into the weakening peace of the world.

God Bless

Tackling Terrorism with a Humane Face and a Strong Strategy, Part I
by George A. Miu

We live in dangerous times. Every single day, we must go about our business with the knowledge that, halfway across the world, or even closer, we have enemies who are consistently plotting to kill innocent Americans.

In light of this newfound insecurity, the United States must adopt a policy to protect itself and ensure our continued safety. However, there are several issues that must be factored into the tailoring of an overarching counterterrorism strategy, the most important of which pertains to upholding the moral standards to which we subject ourselves.

As a civilized nation, we cannot indulge in radical knee-jerk reactions reminiscent of, say, the Spanish Inquisition or the Holocaust. On the other hand, we need to address the very-human temptation to use underhanded tactics in combating an enemy that does not hesitate to exploit our ethical reservations with regard to human rights.

In other words, we cannot waterboard everyone in sight and expect to receive no backlash from the international community and from concerned, upstanding American citizens. Yet, we cannot employ good faith in dealing with suspected terrorists and naively take all pleas of innocence at face value.

As a turbulent decade was drawing to a close, two major intelligence slip-ups flooded the news and highlighted several blindspots in our seemingly-elaborate defense mechanisms.

The first of these heinous acts occurred on Christmas day, on a Detroit-bound plane, when 23-year-old Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempted to detonate plastic explosives that had the capacity to reach the fuel tank above which he stood and consequently blow up the whole airplane, killing all 289 people on board. Fortunately, the attack was foiled and none were harmed.

The second occurred when a double agent, Humam al-Balawi, managed to gain access to FO Base Chapman and detonated an explosive vest, killing seven people associated with the CIA, which constitutes the single most lethal attack on the agency since 1983.

The greatest shame is that both Abdulmutallab and al-Balawi were known to be potential terrorists. Abdulmutallab had been reported by his own father, who was worried about his son’s religious views, to the US embassy in Nigeria. Al-Balawi had been captured by Jordanian forces, but released due to incomplete evidence pertaining to his terrorist links.

A condensed model of the algorithm required to prevent terror attacks looks fairly simple:

1. Gather information on suspects through the use of our intelligence services.

2. Rely on a variety of law enforcement mechanisms in order to ensure that suspects on whom we have information are in no position to commit mass murder.

Last month, it was the second step that failed us – twice. The natural solution, therefore, is to dedicate a greater number of resources to the processing of all information that relates to terror suspects. Right?

Unfortunately, the problem runs deeper. It is impossible to create an individualized report for all of the million-plus people on our Terror Watch List. We cannot take every single tip that we receive, everyday, and consult a specialist. Simply put: there is too much information to process correctly, unerringly.

Therefore, arbitrary tactics must be employed. These rely on large numbers of people, and are more guided by common sense than any single security measure. Ideally, they combine the mechanics of airport security (i.e. full-body scanners, pat downs) and the unparalleled potential of human perception, whereby people who act in a suspicious manner are reported.

This avoids the eternal problem of “profiling”, where certain ethnicities feel discriminated against on account of misgivings levied against them simply because of physical appearance.

Whilst this may improve the situation, the true progress, both in information and in processing, needs to be made at a higher level, with more high-ranking detainees. How exactly we can achieve this, and stay true to our beliefs while doing it, is the topic that I will tackle later on this week.

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Hello dear visitors & readers,

As I will not directly and meticulously introduce any of the writers of this blog, I would like to provide a brief introduction to its purpose, reasons, overview and contents.

I've been in deep thought process for the past couple years: constantly coming up with new ideas, conducting various analyses on topics I've encountered and exploring different depths of knowledge. With little time and wavering determination to verbalize all of the above, it was hard to begin writing on paper or via a blogger, such as this one.

Upon the eve of the new year, my friend George (who possesses a lot of exquisite and intelligible insight and is also of European decent) and I decided that it was now time to give it a shot and share the knowledge we have gathered throughout years. This plan was to provide an outlet where we could comment on current event issues and contemporary problems, communicate our thoughts and ideas on diverse subjects, and pass forth our conscientious messages dealing with domestic and global concepts.

In this blog, we will share with the public bi-weekly posts on subjects we have been anxious to discuss, news commentaries, ideas and of course, thoughts directly from the conscience. In our language, we will take the substance flowing in our minds and assess today's realities. We encourage all of you readers to provide comments and feedback to all of our blogs, as we're also very eager to hear other people's thoughts and their perceptions created by the nature of the human vision (or rather the beauty of the infinite mind).

We're really looking forward to a productive and inspiring new year. This blog is one of our many projects.

God Bless